Saturday, May 25, 2013

Actress Amanda Bynes Arraigned Today

Actress and socialite Amanda Bynes was arraigned today on charges of reckless endangerment, attempted tampering with evidence and marijuana possession.

"The defendant was observed rolling a marijuana cigarette and throwing a bong out of the 36th floor window .... when there were people below," prosecutor Chikaelo Ibeabuchi.

 A disheveled Bynes tried to convince the judge that the bong she allegedly threw out the window of her 36th-floor apartment was actually a vase.

The former star of Nickelodeon’s “All That,” will be back in Manhattan court July 9. To make matters worse, prosecutors in Burbank, Calif. could argue she is in violation of probation for driving on a suspended license near Burbank Airport last September.

Bynes looked a hot mess in court. Her platinum wig looked as though it has been rain damaged and run over in rush hour traffic. She rocked two pink fingernails on her left hand, gray sweatpants and a black sweatshirt. Her behavior was deemed nothing short of erratic.

At this rate, this Bynes chick is giving Lindsey Lohan a run for her money. We know it’s a numbers game, so we will just sit tight and see how this one plays out. Is it just us or does she look a little like Mac Miller?

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